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Our distributor network connects manufacturers and resellers with fast moving goods. We fill our warehouses with thousands of high-value dollar items and distribute these products in bulk making great opportunities for profitable resale. Also, our friendly, trained, multilingual staff is ready to assist you through the entire buying process. Everyone is welcome to visit and order at our showroom/distribution center located in Los Angeles or pick up merchandise from our Houston distribution center.
Paper products are a staple office supply item for many businesses. No matter the size of your organization, you can still save time and money by purchasing your paper products in bulk or wholesale. There are several points to consider when placing your bulk paper order such as paper type, quantity, and purchasing process. Read on to learn more about paper attributes, bulk buying, and how Amazon Business can help.
There are many types of paper available for business purposes, but the most common is bond paper; also commonly known as multipurpose paper. This type of paper is utilized in most basic office inkjet or laser printers and can be used for a multitude of projects depending on the paper weight. Bond paper can come in three weights with each weight category having a specific use.
Managing orders and supplies can be a lot to undertake, but through Amazon Business, you can keep track of your purchases, manage your budget, and reduce and automate your orders. In addition, you can get discounts on qualifying bulk orders that can help you stay on budget. For further savings, sign up for Business Prime, which offers unique benefits that are customized to your unique business needs. Learn more about how Amazon Business can help through the links below.
Here at, we have a wide variety of paper towels on sale. Bounty Dura Towels are rated as the top performing paper towel in Consumer Reports rigorous tests. The independent rating company assessed the absorbency, wet strength, and scrubbing strength of 15 different paper towels. Bounty received "excellent" ratings in all of the tests, with a total score of 96 out of 100. It completely destroyed the competition! Bounty Extra Soft came in second place, rated excellent in absorbency and very good in scrubbing and wet strength, and Viva Choose-A-Size came in third place, with very good scores in all three testing results. According to Good Housekeeping, Bounty outperformed all 19 other brands of paper towels tested in terms of strength, absorbency, thickness, lint residue, and dye transfer from printed towels.
Although a majority of customers make purchases of individual product units, there are a range of benefits associated with buying larger quantities, especially if you know how to buy in bulk. Some of the perks of buying in bulk are immediately apparent. For example, bulk goods are generally less expensive per unit than the price you pay when you purchase them individually.
For the customer, the benefits of bulk buying run the gamut from ones that are reflected in your personal finances to those that are more wide-ranging. In general, however, learning how to buy in bulk comes with the following advantages:4
The University of Portland crunched some numbers on the potential effects of every American buying certain products in bulk for one year and the waste it would eliminate. They determined we could achieve reductions of:3
Looking for ways to reduce plastic waste The bulk aisle at your grocery store is a paradise for those interested in waste reduction. The stores receive these dry goods in huge containers and allow customers to portion out the exact quantity they want without extensively wrapping each serving.
Based on the surface area of 30 rolls of toilet paper, the product-sustainability review experts at Finch calculated that individually wrapped rolls use 2.5 more plastic bag packaging than 30 rolls packaged together. 2However, each roll requires a little